Monday, August 11, 2008


Ever think you are in a different stage of your life than you really are?

You closer to 18 or 21? I always get that when I'm standing in the grocery line and it tells you how old you have to be to NOT be carded. And I'm always amazed how "recent" those dates seem to can be born in 1987 and drink? Wow.

Anyways, this weekend I thought I was much closer to college than I am. I dressed much closer to being in college than I am. I acted much closer to being in college than I am. And I sure as heck drank much closer to being in college than I am.

I can't wait to post a pic of the afro & 6" glitter heels that I sported for WAY TOO LONG on Saturday. And I can't wait for the weekend hangover to subside to reveal the brain that I need for work today.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

You are PREACHING to the Choir right here! Ditto the 'thinking I was in college this past weekend' statement. *shudder*